Mild compression of the nerve root C5/6.

Resolved question:
I'd like to consult Neurosurgery & Spine Dr., about my case the details herewith the attached medical report.
Please advise
Musawa Somily

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Spine Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Goutham Cugati replied 4 Days.

Dear Mr Somily,
Thankyou for approaching DoctorSpring with your query.

I have gone through your MRI report. There is mild compression of the nerve roots at C5/6 and C6/7. I feel it is early stage and does not warrant surgery.

Kindly let me know about the symptoms you are facing, like the location and severity of pain, any factors that worsen it.
Do you have any weakness or numbness.

Please reply as a follow up and I shall advice you what treatment options are available.


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Patient replied :

Thank you for reply.
I'm suffering weakness and numbness in my both hands only. I can't open the water bottle. But I can write and carry things.
sometimes I feel a little bit pain in my arms.
Doctor gives me these medicines:
- Acu-Court cream
- Nervax 150 mg one capsule daily for 30 days
- Neurorubine - forte 2 daily
- OSTEOCARE 500 2 daily
that's all
I did blood test for calcium, Vitamin D , Rheumatoid factor and CRP Reactive Protein and all in the optimal level.

Do you recommend me to use something else such as neck collar , other medicine or Physical Therapy.
Looking forward to your reply
Thanks and Regards,

Expert:  Dr. Goutham Cugati replied 3 Days.

Mr. Musawa,

If most of the times the pain weakness and numbness is only in the hand and not in the forearm or arms then I guess we are dealing with carpel tunnel syndrome(CTS).

Kindly get nerve conduction studies of both hands and also thyroid function tests.
Please continue the same medications.

Do revert after the test results.
If its proved to be CTS then you will have complete relief with surgery.

Take care

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Patient replied :
Is it suitable for my case? no risk from using it?

Expert:  Dr. Goutham Cugati replied 2 Days.

Risk from using this equipment in your case is minimal. As per the details provided by the manufacturer, you will be an ideal case for using this equipment (straightening of the cervical spine). This might reduce the pain in your neck but not the one in your hands. However I do not have experience or patient feedback about using this equipment.


Dr Goutham Cugati
Consultant Neurosurgeon

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