Pain, blood in anus after surgery for ruptured colon.

Resolved question:
Dear Doctors, recently i had a continuous pain in my anus. The pain was prolonging for more than 4 hours. Also, I observed bright blood in toilet paper after the motion. I admitted in hospital and undergone a surgery. The doctor said that there was a rupture in the colon hence they cut that part by anoscopy surgery. They said it is not a hemorrhoid. After the surgery, during the first week I did not feel such a pain and blood like bright. But, after a week again observe the bright blood in toilet paper. Also, I feel some itching inside the anus. I am afraid that, again i will have some problem.
Please some one explain the problem. what are the remedies?


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: General Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Hari Charan Perigela replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
As per your description, it looks like you had fissure in ano. It is a crack inside the Anal canal. Due to passage of hard stool, the crack will get injured and lead to severe pain associated with bleeding.
They might have excised the fissure.
But, you should take high fiber diet.You should drink plenty of liquids. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Your stool should be soft.
By the above measures, pain and bleeding will come down.
Without following the above measures, you will not be benefitted with further surgeries also.
Please apply local 2 % lignocaine jelly inside the Anal canal for relief.
Nothing to worry.
It will come down.
Wish you good health and speedy recovery.

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