Pain in the abdomen with nausea.

Resolved question:

I am having lower right abdominal pain to the right of belly button and radiate lower, no fever, a small amount of nausea but no vomiting. The pain is a dulling ach with sharp pains. & I am not pregnant or on my period. I don't want to go to there to spend money to find out its nothing. I have been moving gas, a usual amount and have had a BM earlier today

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


It seems like you have colitis.

Colitis is inflammation of the inner lining of the colon. It may cause abdominal pain diarrhea with or without blood. Fever may be present. It may be accompanied by nausea. As you presently do not have diarrhea, it seems like it is a subclinical infection). While many causes of colon inflammation may be self-limiting and can be treated with diet and observation, it is important to determine why inflammation has occurred, because of the potential for a more serious diagnosis. I would recommend the following-

1) Start antibiotic for eradication of the organism .Begin with Tab. Ciprofloxacin 500 mg and Tab. Ornidazole 500mg. Stay away from drinking alcohol as it may cause side effects with ornidazole. Ciprofloxacin is sometimes associated with photosensitivity, so it's advisable to use sun screen if you go out.

2) Drink plenty of fluids as you might get dehydrated and it complicates the infection. Mix a sachet of electro powder to a 150 ml of water and drink it in the mornings.

3) Consult a gastroenterologist to schedule a stool microscopy and culture.

4) If the pain increases in intensity, consult a gastroenterologist to schedule an usg to rule out acute appendicitis.

5) Eat a good balanced diet with good portion of proteins carbohydrates and vitamins. Consume

Consult a physician if the pain does not subside by a week or on appearance of blood in stools.

Thank you.

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