Pain over the elbow after accident

Resolved question:

Hello. I had a question regarding my elbow. I was roller skating like a month or two ago and I fell and hurt my elbow really bad. I only needed four stitches, and there is just a big scab there now. But it seems that even after all of this time, every time I bang it on accident on something, my elbow is in a lot of pain and I just want to scream it hurts so bad. What could this be and how can I fix it?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


This could be a sprain or tear of a ligament that wasn't treated adequately. They usually present with pain on movements and ignored in trauma setting.

There are various ligaments of the elbow that are very susceptible to sprain and tear due to excessive shearing force. They derive nutrition from the synovial fluids around the joint and hence do not heal very soon. Ligament sprain usually require conservative treatment whereas a tear will require a surgery.

I would recommend the following-

1)Consult your physician and obtain an X-ray of the elbow in AP and lateral views. This will help to determine if there is any gross deformity or trauma like fracture. X ray doesn't help to diagnose ligament pathology.

2)Consult an orthopedician and discuss the need for an MRI of the elbow. MRI shows any pathology of the knee beautifully and helps determine if it's a sprained ligament or a tear.

3)If it is confirmed it's a tear you will need a surgical consult and based on the age and the degree of mobility required, a surgery may be performed.

4)If it is a sprain, you will need complete bed rest for about a week and then you will have to restrict your physical activity. Ice packs and cold compress will reduce the inflammation.

5)Take Tab Tylenol 500 mg to reduce the pain and inflammation.

Thank you.

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