Pregnant and risk of harm to baby with mobile kept on belly

Resolved question:
I am 7 months pregnant and fell asleep
with my cell phone near my belly for a few hours. I don't usually keep my cell phone near my stomach or in my pocket. Should I be worried about harm to the baby?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query.

There no need to worry. This will not cause any harm to your unborn baby. On resting state the radiation from the mobile phone is very negligible. For comparison you will receive several times of that radiation from the sun on day to day basis. Mobiles emit low levels of non-ionising electromagnetic radiation. The same radiation is emitted by many electrical appliance like your TC, Computer, microwave etc. Over the years this has not shown an harm.

There are no solid evidenced based randomised controlled studies to show that mobile phone radiation is harmful. However general caution is recommended, especially when you are pregnant.

I do not think there is any harm done to the baby by this incidence.

Hope this helps
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