Removed left ovary due to CYST. Can I start family?

Resolved question:
at 14 i had my left ovry removed because of a cist, i hadnt started my period yet. the following year i did. but since then it has been very irregular. i am now 25 and my last period wasin december of 2013. i just started it 2 days ago. i have never taken birth control to try to regulate my period. and now i am married and thinking about starting a family... is this possible??

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at
Before answering your question I would like to request you to provide me with a few more details.
What kind of a cyst was it on the ovary that was removed, do you have any details or documents ?
After the cyst removal, did you always have periods that were so irregular - every 6 months or more ?
What is your height and weight ?
Apart from your irregular cycles, do you have any complaints such as weight gain, excessive hair growth, pigmentation in certain areas etc ?
Please write back with these details.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

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