Repeated TONSILLITIS with previous fistulous ROOT CANAL.

Resolved question:
in 2 months i have had 4 tonsillitis infections which go down with antibiotics and reappear 2 weeks after. they all start from the right tonsil. i am having tonsillectomy. could this be a cancer?

i had blood test which looked normal with a high t cell range. doc said its because you are fighting a bacterial infection and hiv test negativ. EBV was negative as had a past infection.

i also had a root canal 6 months ago which developed a fistula and has been draining white pus for the past 3 months. could this be the cause of my recurrent tonsillitis?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: ENT Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Sunil Jalan replied 4 Days.


Thank you for posting your query at

You are suffering from recurrent tonsil infection since 2 months, which is improving with course of antibiotics.

You don't have symptoms of throat or tonsil cancer and symptoms of cancer doesn't improve with medicine, it is usually persistent. So you need not to worry about it. Your infection will also improve following tonsillectomy. Your tonsil can be send for routine biopsy following surgery to eliminate at doubt in future.

Hope this helps.

Best regards

Dr. Sunil Jalan

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