Retest necessary after treating STD

Resolved question:

Hello Doctor,

I had been seeing the various STD pictures and knowing about them but unfortunately I too suffered from the STD infection and had undergone the treatment through which I can feel completely fine now. I want to know if the retest is required again after getting treated from an STD infection. I am afraid of getting affected by this infection again.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Fuller replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question and concern. It is very unfortunate to hear that you suffered from the STD infection but good to know that you have undergone the treatment and are feeling completely fine now after getting the complete treatment. The various STD pictures reveal the different diseases that are caused from the various sexual infections. The only way to protect yourself from any of the sexual diseases is to go for the retest again whenever you find any problem with your body or the genital parts or facing any kind of problem in having sex with your partner. The results of the retest would then decide the type of organism that is causing you the infection and also about the culture of the organism and accordingly the appropriate drug would be provided to you to cure you again. You need not get afraid from the STD pictures because they are there just to enhance your understanding and keep you in sync with the different new diseases and their symptoms. With all this knowledge, you may become much more aware and protected so that none of the STD affects you or your partner. I would strictly advise to always have protected sex with your partner to avoid any kind of infections and diseases to spread from your body in to the body of your partner. Keep consulting your personal doctor on any sexual issue and do not ever feel hesitation in discussing even a minor problem with your personal doctor. Best wishes.

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