Risk of HIV from sex during periods with CSW.

Resolved question:
Hi there,

I recently had a sexual event with a CSW (HIV stats unknown) and discovered she had her period only in the morning when I accidentally saw the condom which was filled with blood (on the exterior and no breakage).

I was told that HIV doesn't infect when it's outside of human body. My question is, say in the event during removal of the condom, there could have been some blood that came in contact with the penis or the tip, would this still be an issue? I don't remember any stains on the penis but can't confirm.

From all that I've read, it should not. An example, http://forums.poz.com/index.php?topic=46243.0

Please advise.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
With no tear in the condom, and the very fact that you had a condom on 99 % rules out HIV.
Even in my last answer I stated that you yourself are not sure whether there was any touch with her blood while you were removing the condom. Even if it did chances are very low, but still can't be completely negated. As a matter of fact, female to male transmission of HIV is low as the female has no active discharge like ejaculate which goes inside the male's body.
So yes chances are very low.
Hope this was helpful,

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Patient replied :

Hi DR,
Thanks for putting up with my questions. This experience have def enlightened me about my choices of partners.
I have confirmed that no blood traces could have touched the tip of my penis as a towel was used to wipe my private part right after (maybe after 1 min post condom removal) and I can see no traces of blood on it (non microscopic check or chemical tests done). I have also asked the person who I engaged sex with to test for HIV. I have seen a DR and received PEP Raltegravir 400mg x 2 dose to be taken for 1 month.
With all measures taken, do you think I am still at risk? Understand that she can have a window period which can make it all possible. Just want you point of view.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Firstly there was absolutely miniscule chance.
If there was no contact, and you're sure about it, then there is NO chance.
However as you started PEP, all risk has been completely negated.
So kindly do not worry.

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Patient replied :

Hi doctor,
It's been 2 months from my last exposure that we discussed and 1 month since I last completed my PEP dosage. I completed the PEP course successfully. I'm supposed to take 3 tabs daily. On the 17th day, I accidentally took 4 tabs daily for 6 days and went to 2 tabs daily for 6 days (as that was the remaining dosage to be completed). I hope this is okay.

When and what test can I do? I want something conclusive, final and soon. Please take my PEP intake into consideration.

Thank you for supporting me through this experience.


Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

1) It should not be a problem. But don't miss doses now on.
2) At the end of 6 weeks from exposure, you can take HIV ELISA test and Western blot antibody test which will confirm your status.
Hope that was helpful

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Patient replied :

Hi there,
I took a HIV combo test 2 months post exposure and 1 month post last pill of PEP and it's negative. Can I call this conclusive?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 1 Day.

Yes, it is conclusive.
Do not worry.
I will close this consult now, it is a very old consult.

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