Round painful movable lump in cheek. MALIGNANCY?

Resolved question:
Dear Doctor,

Gud Morning.
Name: Elizabeth, Female
Age: 39
Past Medical History: PCOs, Acid reflux - Both under control now

About 15 days ago, i developed a small round movable painful lump overnight on my left cheek. The exact location is between the jaws, somewhere beneath the upper premolar location (Not seen from outside or inside the cheek). I went to an ENT who prescribed me antibiotics and pain killer for a week. Though the pain has subsided and the lump little smaller, the lump is still out there. I checked with my dentist who found a grossly decayed lower wisdom teeth on the left, advised either extraction or root canal within a week. But he too has no idea what the lump might be.
I am yet to report for tooth extraction. In the mean time the lump bothers my mind more than body and i feel that the left side of the face, ear all have slight pain and a little tingling sensation too. Am too scared it might be some malignancy. I have no problem with swallowing food or opening my mouth to full. My concern is none of the doctors even want me go for an ultrasound or imaging. Please let me know what could this lump be afterall.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: ENT Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Sunil Jalan replied 4 Days.


Thank you for your query at

You are suffering from a painful lump on left side cheek, the size decreased with medication.

There are many possibilities, correct diagnosis requires examination whether firm/ soft, size, shape and USG or MRI can be done to get more information.

But based on your description I can assure u this is not a malignancy. Because malignancy is usually painless and it 'll not decrease in size with medicine, rather it increases with time.

You tooth problem is most probably a separate disease. So for this cheek swelling u can observe for one to two weeks safely, if not improving u can do USG and can get opinion from local specialist again

Hope this helps

Best regards

Dr. Sunil Jalan

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