Spasms, bodyache with POST CONCUSSION SYNDROME. Is this normal?

Resolved question:
Post Concussion syndrome. still unable to be up for more than 15 minutes without getting dizzy and nauseated; despite concussion was over 2 months ago on June 29th. have been to ER multiple times w/ dizzy, nausea, vertigo, and panic attacks. have performed eply maneuver to move inner ear crystals. please help. still have anxiety and dizziness when up more than 15 minutes. Forgetful and words jumble easily. during panic attacks i have shortness of breath and blood pounds. muscle spasms and body aches due to bed rest. Is this normal? How will i know when im well enough do do things with out relapsing? are the panic attacks from the concussion? Will this GO AWAY????

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Neurologist, Medical

Expert:  Dr. Sudhir Kumar replied 4 Days.

Thank you for posting your query.
I have noted your symptoms, and would like to reassure you that post concussion syndrome resolves in most people. The time frame for recovery varies, but complete recovery occurs in most people within 3-6 months.
Panic attacks or anxiety are not part of post concussion syndrome.
Medications such as clonazepam would help you relieve anxiety or panic. Piracetam tablets would help improve memory and concentration.
Continue vestibular adaptation exercises under the guidance of a physical therapist. Also, you can take betahistine tablets, as and when you feel dizzy.
Best wishes,
Dr. Sudhir Kumar MD (Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist

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