swelling following anal sex

Resolved question:

I practice anal sex with my girlfriend with me occasionally as the receiving partner. After our last session I noticed some swelling on the outside of my anus. Is this something that needs treatment or can I expect it to go away in a few days/a week?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. John Fuller replied 4 Days.

Thank you for asking the query.
The swelling appears to be a cyst or external piles. Unfortunately it is tough to distinguish between both without clinical examination.  In both cases it is ok to wait for a week or two to see if there is self-resolution.

Meanwhile you can attempt to push back the swelling gently with clean fingers. This way you avoid the risk of making abrasion via friction while moving around.  Make sure you are not straining while defecating. Eat high fibre diet, drink plenty of water. Also it is better to avoid anal sex for a week or so. In case there is pain or bleeding you might want to see a Doctor.

Hope this helps.  Please feel free to ask if you have more queries. Thank you.

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