Treatment for HPV

Resolved question:

Dear doctor; I have been tested positive for HPV and since I am a professional of knoppix I did not have proper check up for over five years so I fear that it might have turned into cancer.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.

Thank you for the query you have made. To tell you about the HPV, it is Genital human papillomavirus that is contracted during sexual intercourse. This disease is a cause of unprotected type sex. When a couple mate with each other then naturally their genitals is going to come in contact and hence this virus creeps into the vagina or penis of a person. Therefore it is advised to have sex with a condom donned. If at all it is necessary to have sex without any condom then it must be made sure that that the genitals are well cleaned with an antiseptic liquid. This not only kills out all the germs and microorganism but also help in smooth intercourse.

Since you are a knoppix professional, it is quite evident that you would be having a shortage of time and you would not be able to find time for yourself. You should find time for yourself too as this highly necessary to look after the health of your own body. You fear that this could have turned in cancer but this is not necessary at all. There are quite a number of HPV viruses and only few of them are cancerous. The most prevailing type HPV’S cause genital warts in the vagina and vulva. Therefore even if you are knoppix professional you should have a yearly pap after you have been diagnosed with an HPV, since if the HPV is not treated even after detection it can develop into cervical cancer or the cancer of vagina or vulva. Have a nice day. 

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