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Vomiting coffee ground coloured vomitus on OMEPRAZOLE.

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My 31 year old brother has cerebral palsy. In the last 4 years old patienthe's been on Ompyrazole tablet 20mg. He weigh approx 25kg has scoliosis of spine. From time to time he still vomits dry coffee ground coloured vomitus. Recently it's happpened fortnightly. Since beginning to take the ompyra it managed his gastroentis well. I recall him being diagnosed that. He eats well enough but we keep away from red meats and spicy food and some veges like capsicum coconut onion. He sometimes doesn't eat because his stomach is upset we think. He is unable to speak however we manage to communcate sufficiently and he's intelligent. Please help when further advice. Melissa Gorogo for broth Chris Gorogo.

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 29 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query.
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
Coffee ground vomitus may indicate a bleed inside.
I presume he passes only normal colored stools.
You can check his hemoglobin level.
If the recurrent coffee ground vomitus is due to bleeding, then there would be a drop in hemoglobin.
If it is really a bleed and the quantity is more, he would pass black tarry sticky offensive stools.
If these two confirm bleed, then the cause of bleed should be found out.
An upper GI endoscopy may be done to find the cause.
I hope that answers your query.
Let me know if you have any more questions.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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