Treatment for large lymphnodes in armpits after MRSA.

Resolved question:
hello..i got diagnosed with MRSA in my armpit about 2 weeks ago, while they were draining it the dr mentioned that i had enlarged lymphodes in my armpit, but she didnt follow up on it. now the MRSA is gone and im off antibiotics - but i still have large lumps in my armpits (not painful) and also my nipple on my left side is very red and sore. i think i might have a type of cancer, just want advice is this is something i should get checked out this weekend or if i can wait? thanks!

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
Since you just had MRSA infection, the lymph nodes swellings are secondary to the infection and may take some time to completely resolve.
The antibiotic also needs to be reviewed if the swelling is not responding to it.
Regarding the nipple, it is better you get it examined. Although cancer is a remote possibility, the chances of the nipple also being infected is more probable.
So it is better it is examined and if required locally an antibiotic ointment like Mupirocin can be applied to prevent further infection.
Feel free to discuss further,

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