Trying to get pregnant with history of pcod.

Resolved question:

I have been trying to get pregnant for over 6 months now. I have had irregular periods, and was recently diagnose with PCOS. Last month I had a ruptured cyst and the side effects were mild, just slight cramping and a normal period. This month it's only been 21 days and I started to see light watery spotting. I even had a small gush of watery blood. I have gone into the doctor's office several times; they always tell me the same thing. Everything looks normal blood work and all, but I have several small cysts around my ovaries. I have dull ache on both sides of my lower abdomen and light watery spotting. My lower abdomen also feels heavy sometimes. Is this a normal period, miscarriage or just part of my pcos?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


It seems to be normal period but I would recommend you to get a urine pregnancy test and check if you are pregnant. This is to rule out the chance of spontaneous abortion that can cause watery bleeding.

A main underlying problem with PCOS is a hormonal imbalance. In women with PCOS, the ovaries make more androgens than normal. Androgens are male hormones that females also make. High levels of these hormones affect the development and release of eggs during ovulation. It also increases the chances of having abortions and difficulty in attaining pregnancy. . Many women with PCOS have too much insulin in their bodies because they have problems using it. Excess insulin appears to increase production of androgen.

I would recommend the following-

1)Get a urine pregnancy test done to rule out pregnancy or spontaneous abortion that can present as bleeding and discharge of mass from vagina.

2)Take a Tab, ferrous sulphate 150 mg and Tab Tylenol 500 mg for temporary relief in pain. These drugs will decrease the abdominal cramps. Ferrous sulphate can cause constipation and is recommended that you not take more than a dose a day.

3)If you are trying to conceive, there are many novel medications that increase the chances of pregnancy. Consult you gynecologist to choose the modality for you. Anew methods are-Ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate, Gonadotropin Therapy and Metformin therapy.

4)Eat a good balanced diet with good portion of proteins carbohydrates and vitamins. Consume diet rich in green leafy vegetables and milk. This will help in improving the immunity of the body and prevent infections of bleeding uterus.

Thank you.

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