Unusual looking mole removed and anxiety

Resolved question:
Hi, recently I got a mole removed because it was quite unusual and looked like it could be cancerous. While I've been waiting for results the past 5 days, I've been having panic attacks and generally awful. I haven't had an appetite, I've been feeling weak, my stomach feels like it's been flipped over, I've had muscle spasms, I've been light-headed, and for some reason my triceps hurt when I apply pressure. I also woke up this morning with diarrhea. I keep telling myself that this is all just anxiety but I can't seem to get it out of my head that something is wrong with me. I even have been looking up things about brain tumors and other things like that just because I really can't seem to grasp that I'm probably going to be okay. Part of me wants to go to the ER and tell them to just find out if anything is wrong. I know that the symptoms I'm experienced can be caused by advanced melanoma also so I think that is what's scaring me the most.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query at DocotorSpring.

I have analysed all your symptoms thoroughly. The symptoms are nonspecific , and not confined to an organ system. As you have suspected you are having panic attacks and generalised anxiety disorder . This is no way advanced melanoma symptoms. I guarantee you that !

There is no reason to worry. You should realise that only very few moles (less than 1%) turn out to be melanoma. You did the right thing by getting treatment and getting removed it for Biopsy. Some amount of anxiety is normal, but make sure it is not overruling and overcoming you.

The symptoms will settled down soon. Since you will receive the results soon(which most likely is normal) you do not need any medications as of now. For now (1) Keep in touch with your friends and family . Talk about this and get their support (2) Stop reading medical information online till you get the results. Feel free to ask me any queries using the follow up questions, rather than researching yourself. Allow me to do that work ! (3) Do whatever relaxes you - Yoga, Exercise, Movies - whatever works.

Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followup questions.

Thank you

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Patient replied :

Thanks for all the reassuring statements. They have helped a lot. I sadly cannot control my panic attacks. I just recently discovered that the left side of my neck may be swollen but it might just be in my head because I can't tell for sure and I've been looking at it for an hour now. It doesn't hurt when I touch it or anything but I can't stop telling myself that it's a swollen lymph node. I'm panicking a lot at the moment and am considering going to the E.R. to get it looked at. Also, I feel some drainage coming down from my nose area and into my throat. This is also worrying me pairing up with what I'm seeing on my neck. Also, I don't know what to think about the pain in my triceps when I apply pressure to them. I mean, of course it would hurt if I pressed hard enough right?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Do not worry about the Triceps pain. This is probably because you have poked it too much. Even in the worse case it cannot be anything serious. The swelling is less likely to be lymph node. If it is node, it will be a well rounded firm nut like mass. Your description does not fit this. However if you are really panicking you may visit the ER. What you need is just reassurance.

Again among all the symptoms you have mentioned so far there are NO specific or NO alarming symptoms.

Hope this helps
Thank you

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Patient replied :

What about the drainage? Is that just a cold? Also, I forgot to mention about my weird lack of balance. Can that just be paired with the weakness I'm experiencing? I haven't had a headache or anything but I haven't been eating much for the last 5 days.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

Yes, the drainage is mostly allergy / cold. Anyway it is no way a significant symptom. The lack of balance and weakness could be due to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) as you are taking not much food. Try to eat normally and drink enough water. Actually none of your symptoms can be "paired" (no symptom pattern). So this is suggestive of anxiety.

Hope this helps
Thank you

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Patient replied :

What about the drainage? Is that just a cold? Also, I forgot to mention about my weird lack of balance. Can that just be paired with the weakness I'm experiencing? I haven't had a headache or anything but I haven't been eating much for the last 5 days.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 1 Day.

Yes, the drainage is mostly allergy / cold. Anyway it is no way a significant symptom. The lack of balance and weakness could be due to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) as you are taking not much food. Try to eat normally and drink enough water. Actually none of your symptoms can be "paired" (no symptom pattern). So this is suggestive of anxiety. Hope this helps Thank you

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