Vaginal burning with BLOOD, LEUKOCYTE in urine. UTI?

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Female of age 38 (no know major health issues)
Just got the yearly report in (to give an idea I was having slight vagina burning for 2 days and upset stomach & gas) so I was taking pepto prior to blood work.
Most of results came normal(cholesterol, glucose, RBC, Platelets ......)(I was having slight chest pain for 2 days but ekg/ecg normal as well, Dr said probably anxiety related.

My concerns are these numbers

WBC 11.1
Neutrophiles 7.88
MPV 11.4
Urate 393(its was 440 last year but I tried to get it down with diet)

Rest numbers
RBC 4.79
MCV 89
MCH 29
MCHC 329
Platelets 253

Appreciate if someone shed light on high wbc and neutrophils means (btw I have slight blood and leukocyte(Mod))in urine)
Dr prescribed Macrobid 100mg

So these 3 (WBC,MPV, NEUTROPHILES) could be related to UTI? my concern, every time one search for anything "cancer" comes up in google


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
Acid reflux is due to neither.
Acid reflux occurs when there is a movement of the acidic content of your stomach or bile backwards into the esophagus (the tube which connects your mouth to the stomach).
There is a band at the lower end of your esophagus; called lower esophageal sphincter. Normally it relaxes and tightens with peristalsis to allow food that is eaten to pass into the stomach. When this sphincter weakens or is relaxed at inappropriate times, the stomach content freely flows back to irritate your esophagus and reproduce symptoms of heartburn and difficulty swallowing. There can also be additional symptoms such as spasm of bronchus, inflammation of the larynx and chronic coughing.
Hope this helps, feel free to discuss further

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Patient replied :

Which proton pump inhibitor drug is known for the least side effects? PPI to be taken in morning or before going to sleep?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Among the PPIs, Pamtoprazole has the least side effects. And it should be taken 40 mg, once before breakfast at least for 2 weeks.
Hope this was helpful,

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