What is the reason for increase in size and change in colour of MOLE?

Resolved question:
I have what looks somewhat like a mole on the side of my rib cage which has been there for many years. i never got a chance to have it looked at and now it looks a little different. The size is a little bit increased but the color appears to have changed a little.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thanks for choosing doctorspring.com

I understand your concern. 

Normally a little size alteration, doesn't signify anything serious. Look out for the following additional symptoms :

Color changes in the mole.

Mole getting uneven

Changes in shape,height or texture

Skin on the surface becoming dry or scaly

Mole becoming lumpy.

If it starts itching or oozes blood.

From the picture you sent me, it looks more like a dysplastic nevus, i.e an uneven appearing mole mostly appearing in areas exposed to sun. These remain stable over time. So watch out for additional symptoms that i mentioned and in case you notice any more of such symptoms, get your dermatologist's opinion. 

Do get back to us if you have additional queries,


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Patient replied :

If I can add to the question regarding something similar but on my hand. My right hand on the palm has what I think is a wart but I am not sure if it is something else. Many years ago when I was about 14 I had something similar and used compound w to remove it. Now several years ago I noticed this wart like spot on my palm. I tried a product similar to compound w which has not seemed to work. At a point it looked like it started to work put it just came back. My work involves cleaning Automobiles inside and out and I usually did not use any protection for my hands like latex gloves. I am wondering if this could be as a result of contact to cleaners and dirt.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.


I have seen the picture of the lesion on your hand and it does seem to be a recurrence of your old wart. Palmar warts, caused by human papilloma virus tend to recur even after removal. This seems to be your case. Contact with cleaners or dirt does not have any influence on this. However, it is best to use protection like gloves, to avoid skin irritation.

For the wart, you can use salicylic acid patches like salicylic acid 15 percent in karaya gum base (Trans Ver Sal) and salicylic acid 21 percent (Trans Plantar). You apply the patch at bedtime after soaking your hand in warm water for 10 to 20 minutes. Trim the patch to a size slightly larger than the lesion and apply it securely over the wart. Make sure you follow the package instructions carefully. After overnight application, the wart should be pared either with a nail file or a pumice stone. Irritation, when it occurs, is usually a sign that the treatment is effective and will result in sloughing of tissue with dead wart virus.

If the wart persists, you can consult a Dermatologist.

Let me know if you have any queries.

Take care.

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