Wife positive for HPV

Resolved question:
My wife who is 50 years of age was diagnosed with HPV+ on 23 Jun 2013. I am clean as based on Dermatologist cum Sexologist's advice I underwent HIV and VDRL tests the results were negative. She had undergone surgery for removal of polyp in Feb 2013. She has started doubting me and there is a lot of disharmony in the house. Is sex the only cause for HPV virus or can it be due to other reasons? Please advise.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Hello and thankyou for approaching DoctorSpring with you query.
There are 100 different types of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), 40 of which cause genital infection and 60 types causing cutaneous infections.

Genital HPV is spread by direct physical contact during genital or oral sex. But the patient may have acquired the infection years prior to being diagnosed, as the HPV incubation period can last for months and the first time the patient is diagnosed can also be due to a relapse rather that the first infection.

A new diagnosis of genital warts DOES NOT mean that the patient OR her partner is having sex outside the relationship.
HPV is widespread and most men and women will have acquired an HPV infection during their lifetime , but are unaware of it because it is usually asymptomatic.
If you have acquired immunity to one type of HPV does not mean you will have immunity to the other HPV viruses.

Cutaneous warts like on the skin of the hand, thighs, legs etc. are acquired with direct contact of skin to skin, passing it on from one area to another, or through direct contact with an object that has the HPV virus.

Again not all manifest the symptoms of HPV and could have acquired it years before the symptoms appear or before they test positive.

I hope this has helped.
Feel free to follow up with any further query.


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