Will LOW LYMPHOCYTE keep my body from fighting CANCER?

Resolved question:
I just had a blood count taken (finished chemo for breast cancer in august).


I have been on doxycycline (but stopped a week ago) for a cellulitis that had been caused by radiation. Also, I was on Bactrim before that. i AM VERY WORRIED THAT THE LOW LYMPHOCYTE COUNT WILL KEEP MY BODY FROM FIGHTING THE CANCER. IS THIS TRUE? HOW LIKELY IS A BAD OUTCOME??

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Oncologist

Expert:  Dr. Prasad Eswaran replied 4 Days.

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Patient replied :

Thank you. How long can low counts from chemo last? AND what I found scary was that my lymphocytes were higher right after the chemo than they are now. Is that typical--for the counts to fall 8 months out?
I am so worried that this is a blood disease.

Expert:  Dr. Prasad Eswaran replied 3 Days.

It depends on each individual's constitutional build up for recovery. Since your bone marrow study is normal, there is nothing to be scared about. Blood counts will recover soon with healthy dietary style.


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Patient replied :

Thank you. Did you notice that the bone marrow biopsy was a year ago--it was in April of 2014. Is it still good for helping to diagnose bad blood counts a year later?

Expert:  Dr. Prasad Eswaran replied 2 Days.

Not necessarily. But this picture is usually common after chemotherapy exposure. Healthy diet reverts the picture back to normalcy.

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