Eyepain after reading both sides

Resolved question:


Pain in eye. I need some immediate temporary relief to study during my exam. 
I also have some head ache. 
this history dates back around 1 month. Where i was having eye stress while looking at laptop..
especially in the eye socket. There is no redness in eye. There is consistent bilateral temporal side pain. After rest or eye drop it eases the pain temporarily. There is no irritation in eye. Eye sight is -2.5 on both. 

When i checked with the doctor here, he suggested to study either without glasses or prescribed a reading glass with (-2) vision. will that help? tried reading without glasses but it is very difficult. I have not got to order the reading glass but wanted to confirm first. When study for a long time...far object is blurried. 

would appreciate your help in recommending any temporary relief. if it is stress induced,..is there any anti stress eyesight reliever?

I will go to the specialist later.But will not have time until i finish my medical board exam for couple weeks...i am having hard time studying. 


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. John Fuller replied 4 Days.

Thank you for asking the query.

I understand that you are looking for a quick and temporary solution for your problem.

Before coming to that let me tell you that getting a proper correction for your refractory error is the best solution. You eye power might have gone up or down. Also astigmatism should be ruled out. I recommend consulting an ophthalmologist as soon as possible in this regard.

Now for temporary and quick relief, I suggest the following:

1.You can use an over the counter analgesic/ pain reliever occasionally. Tylenol or Paracetamol 500mg are some options. Take 1 tablet immediately if you get pain. You can take upto 3 tablets per day.

2.Eye drops are going to be of no help.

3. While reading take breaks. If you read for 15 minutes continuously, close your eyes for 1-2 minutes. Then open look towards and focus on a distant object for a couple of minutes. Then continue reading. REPEAT

4. You can also try keeping ice cubes over the face for pain relief.

Hope this helps.

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