Best way to test an STD at home

Resolved question:

hi, I am 31 years old and I frequently engage into unprotected sex with women. Is it possible to get affected by an STD through such encounters? How do I get an STD test? Please advice.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Fuller replied 4 Days.


Thanks for contacting us.

You can be tested for sexually transmitted diseases at your doctor’s office or at gynecologist’s office if you are a woman. But if you do not have money to go to doctor or are uninsured, you can choose to go to clinics such as Planned Parenthood which offers low-cost STD tests for both adults and teens under 18. If you prefer to have anonymity, you purchase at-home STD tests both online and at your local drugstore. The test will instruct you to prick your finger, urinate into a cup or scrap your cheeks and then send the sample into lab by mail. You will be instructed to call the lab to get the results of your test, and you are usually identified by number rather than name. But you should keep in mind that this kind of test is quite expensive than if you choose to go to doctor or a clinic.

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