Can dry, red and raw sore in penis be YEAST infection?

Resolved question:
So two nights ago l night I noticed that under the head of my circumcised penis (under the rim of the head), there is a very small area where the skin is kind of dry. It's also red and raw. But not really painful or itchy. The day after it was still red and raw and there appeared to be some yellowish flaking in the vicinity of the redness. Today it’s just red. Kind of looks like a raw sore or ulcer (but not raised).
Of course, I immediately started worrying about STDs, even though I've only had one sexual partner (a woman) and my last encounter with her was two years ago. My glands aren't swollen and I don't think I have a temperature (no body aches or anything like that). I don't feel that great physically today, but I think that's because I am experiencing some drainage down the back of my throat.
I should state that I have been on like 4 different antibiotics for the last three weeks or so, for an unrelated skin infection on my forearm. I only mention this because I was thinking it could be a yeast infection.
Anyway, I'm kind of scared and away from home and not anywhere where I could see a doctor.
Any thoughts?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query on DoctorSpring,com. I can understand your concern.
Having reviewed both pics, this seems to be genital herpes. It's a sexually transmitted viral infection caused by hsv virus.

At times, the herpes virus which might be present in our nerve roots due to previous unidentified infection can resurface.

The treatment would be an oral anti viral medication called valacyclovir which will require a prescription from your doctor.

This will resolve the lesion. Application of mupirocin cream twice a day for a week will aid in healing.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

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