Can HYPOCHONDRIASIS about having CANCER be cured?

Resolved question:
Dear Dr Prasad,

We have been now also to ENT doctor as well with the daughter and together with the pediatric hematologist they are clear that the tonsils need to be removed. They believe this swollen nodes issue is a result of constantly enlarged tonsils as well as the aftermath of mononucleosis / Ebstein Barr Virus. Do you think as well?

Actually I wanted to ask now about myself. It is easier write than to talk so I hope you do not mind. As you have surely diagnosed I am hypohondric about the cancer issue but the big drama is that I really have done zero to avoid it. I am now 40, been constantly overweight at 180 cm and 137 kg and do not move. On the positive side i do not smoke nor drink.

Do you think at this age it still makes sense to go for the change or is the damage already permanently done? Is there any chance that at fourty there is a way to reverse it? I worked on a new project where i had limited hours of sleep for a couple of weeks and i feel totally drained. I do not seem to get out of it even i sleep instead of 4-5 hrs now 6-7 hrs. So it is clear that something seems to be somewhat wrong, all the power i used to have younger is gone, the only question is if it can be cured.

How is your honest view on this?

With best regards

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Oncologist

Expert:  Dr. Prasad Eswaran replied 4 Days.

Thanks for choosing
Dear Ms. Kaido,
Yes. its because of infection and removing the source (tonsil) can help the node regress.
I want to reassure, is it 137 KG !! in that case I would strongly advice you to start running / walking and reduce your weight to atleast 100 Kg in next 1 - 2 years. Now that you are aged 40, you are very prone to develop all cardiac and other complications as years roll on.
I hope you are regularly doing your pap smears and mammograms. Annual physical examination with relevant screening tests can help you detect risk factors / early signs of cancer if any. But the most important health issue in your case with be cardiac complications which would be very difficult to manage if your weight does not come down.
Please take these words seriously and start your physical activities daily. May be you can keep a record with me intimating how much you lose weight every month.
Hope I addressed your concern.

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