Can I get HPV from girlfriend with a history of cervical cancer?

Resolved question:

Hi Doctor I am 24 year old and had a female friend of mine who asked me to have casual sexual relationship and we got into it.After some days I came to know that 18 months ago she went under treatment for cervical cancer at that time she was 23.And as I know her mother and grandmother were into it to.But after under treatment she was given all clear.I am tensed about her cervical cancer that may imply on me because I got physical with her and as she contracted HPV.I am little worried like I have sex with her as I used condoms I might catch HPV which is transmissable.I want to know that am I running on a risk?Should I considered it as a safe zone or should I wait till ii get the asureity of putting future partner at risk?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question and concern HPV is a disease which is transmitted primarily with skin to skin contact and to prevent yourself from this abstinence is only the best way to prevent yourself from the transmission.As condoms are used as a precaution but they are not 100% effective to prevent from HPV.It can still effect the uncovered skin which is not covered by the condoms.There is a vaccine called Gardasil which may help you to prevent you from the infection from the particular strains of HPV but can not prevent from other strains.Therefore there is always a chance of getting infected and transmitting infection to your partner.If we talk in medical terms then the immune system of your body clears HPV infection in 90% of the cases which takes two years of time duration. Hope question is cleared.Take care

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