Concern regarding consumption of partially pasteurized cheese in pregnancy.

Resolved question:
Can pregnant women consume semi or partially pasteurized cheeses that have been cooked at a temperature of approximately 800 degrees for approximately 90 seconds?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.


Thanks for your consult at

Cooking at the temperatures you mention would destroy most bacteria, however as per scientific recommendations - pregnant women should consume ONLY fully pasteurized cheeses.

Unpasteurized or semi / partially pasteurized cheeses are not meant for consumption during pregnancy.

They carry the potential of harbouring and transmitting Listeria, which can have potentially fatal effects on the pregnancy.

The guidelines clearly state that when the status of pasteurization is unclear, then it is best to avoid cheeses that are not fully pasteurized.

Hence, my advice is to steer clear of the cheeses that you have asked about.
All the best
Take care.

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