Does tender breast and vaginal discharge mean pregnancy?

Resolved question:
I have a question regarding switching birth controls and missed periods
I recently had the Mirena removed on 6/17/2014. I rarely ever had periods on the Mirena. The dr. told me to wait until the next Sunday to start taking the pill (5 days later). During the month of taking the pills, I have used protection and only missed one pill. I'm on the last days of the inactive week and still no period. I'm having an increase in vaginal discharge also. My breasts are tender, but they have been this whole month. I have taken many pregnancy tests in the morning and they have all been negative. Should I get a blood test done? Or did I miss my period because of the transition from the mirena to the pill. I am worried about pregnancy but I can not think of an occurrence where this would have happened. Is it just a hormonal imbalance?

I also had about a week and a half of breakthrough bleeding right before the inactive week that was accompanied by slight cramps and lower back pain. Not sure if this was a period or not.

Any insights?


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thank you for posting your query at
Yes, the breast tenderness is hormonal.
The transition from Mirena to the pill can cause missed periods, irregular spotting and bleeding too.
You should not worry about a pregnancy as your home tests are consistently negative and you have been careful enough.
Just continue with the pill pack and wait for a few days for your menstrual pattern to stabilize.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.

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