Feeling bloated, tender breast and nausea.

Resolved question:

Ive missed my period, feeling bloated, tender breast and nausea. ive taken two home pregnacy test and they came out negative. What can be going on? Can the home test be wrong?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexologist

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Thank you for using Ask a Doctor service from Doctor Spring.

If you have a negative result when you first test, it may be that the levels of hCG have not yet reached a level where they can be detected by a test, even by the day your period is due, so you may want to wait a few days then test again.

There are several reasons why a home pregnancy test may be negative:

  1. you may not be pregnant, or
  2. your body may not be making a normal amount of hCG.
  3. If you test too early (before the first day of your missed period), you may get a false negative result because not enough of the hormone has built up in your system. If the test comes back negative but you still suspect you're pregnant, wait a few days, read the directions carefully, and try again

If you don't follow the instructions given in the kit pack properly that will also give you false negative result. But mistakes do happen, which is why some kits come with two tests.

You can test any time of day, and as early as the first day of your missed period for most tests. More sensitive tests may be able to detect low levels of hCG a few days before your period is due but testing this early may give you an inaccurate result (see below). Avoid drinking too much fluid just before testing as this could dilute the pregnancy hormone in your urine. Try to test with early morning urine sample as it will be a well concentrated urine.

If after trying this, if you get negative result or still in doubt of pregnancy then consult a Gynecologist immediately.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions.

Thank you

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