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Safe dates to have sex according to menstruation cycle.

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I used to have mensuration cycles of 28-30 days normally. According to my normal cycle, My periods may come on 6th or 7th of June. I am going to meet my fiance from 29th may to 6th June. We want to have sex without condoms. I don't want to be pregnant at any cost. Please suggest me the dates(if any), in which we can have sex without condoms and not get pregnant even if he ejaculates inside me. Doctor, we don't have any problem in having sex even on first day of my periods. So, kindly suggest me the dates according to my cycles if any. One thing more, I don't want to take any pills like i-pill or unwanted 72. In those circumstances, its better for us to use condoms. Please help me out doctor. Thanks in advance.

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Category: Infertility Specialist
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Thank you for your query at
Considering your next period is due on 06.06.2015, always remember women are most likely to get pregnant around the 14th-16th day of the cycle when ovulation occurs. So your ovulation would have occurred around 22nd or 23rd of may, and 29th may is the safe period.
30th will definitely be safe period, and you can have intercourse without worrying about pregnancy.
However, it is only possible to predict all this if your cycles are regular. May be you can use condoms on 29th and 30th, just to be extra safe, but from 1st onwards you can have sex without condoms.
Hope this was helpful,
Dr. J

Patient replied :

Thanks mam. As you told that having sex without condoms from 1st june is 100% safe. I want to know that assuming my cycles regular, till which date i could have sex without condoms with no tension of pregnancy? Secondly, normally bleeding is more on first and second day of the periods. Sometimes, it pains a little, especially on the first day. So, is there any problem in having sex on first and second day of my periods (if i manage pain to some extent) in terms of infection, either to me or to my fiance because of the fact that the blood is dead....? Other than infection issues also, is there any problem if i would have sex on first two days of my periods without condoms? Thanks in advance again...

No there are no issues with having sex on your periods, it is just that it might be the blood that hampers the sex, if both partners are fine with it, there is no issue.
Also, from 1st of june, you can have sex without worrying about pregnancy till you finish your period.

Patient replied :

Thanks doctor. So, can i use this rule for every month that if i have regular periods, then i can have sex without any protection from 7-8 days before periods to end of my periods...? Also, i have heard something that there is a pill which women take for 28 days or whole months, due to which they don't get pregnant until they miss the pill for any day.... Do any pill like this exists? If yes, what is the name of this pill and is there any negative side effects of taking this....?

Yes, if your cycles are regular, you can use it as a rule.
Also, they are the birth control pills, you can use them, but always under the supervision of your gynecologist.
They are a combination of progesterone and estrogen.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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