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Pain abdomen with bloating and fatigue.

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I've had the same symptoms for years, and I've been running a few test, like colonoscopy and biopsy. I was told that the result is negative, which made me happy and to keep going with a detox diet. However, even after the detox diet I am not feeling any better and I need to know what other test I can run. My symptoms are: loss of appetite, dizziness, nausea, bloating, stomach cramps, constipation, fatigue, deficit vitamins (D especially), black stool with occasional blood, back pain.Thanks in advance for reading my email. Kind Regards.

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 30 Doctors Online


It seems to me like you have a malbsorption syndrome.

Malabsortpion syndrome are a group of disorder that cause gross defect in the epithelium of the intestine and leads to decreased absorption of nutrients like proteins and carbohydrates. They can cause deficiency of the Fat soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E and K. Because there is malabsorption of the fat it can cause bloating due to increased gas production. Malabsorption coupled with blood loss can also lead to dizziness and palpitation due to anemia. There are batteries of test that can be done to accurately identify which mal absorption syndrome you are suffering from. The colon biopsy that was taken for you was probably only tested for colon cancer.

The types of malabsorption syndrome and the tests required are-

1) Celiac Sprue Colon biopsy and serology.

2) Tropical sprue-Colon biopsy

3) Chronic pancreatitis Stool elastase.

4) Cystic fibrosis-Sweat chloride test.

5) Severe colitis Response to antibiotics.

6) Whipples disease.

My recommendations are-

1) Get a hemoglobin level checked as it needs to be corrected before specific diagnosis of malabsorption can be made.

2) Consult a gastroenterologist who will probably test you with a battery of test for accurate diagnosis.

3) I would recommend that you continue with the detox diet but increase the portion of food containing vitamins A, D, E K like milk, green leafy vegetables and fruits.

4) You should eat several small meals throughout the day so that you can facilitate the best absorption of nutrients possible.

Thank you.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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