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Normal level of HSV-2 IgM, IgG in body.

Resolved Question:

HSV-2lgM and HSV-2lgG results related
urologist reply please!!

HSV-2lgM ratio <1 is normal which shows in lab report
HSV-2lgG RU/ml < 20 is normal value level which shows in lab report

Mine is HSV-2lgM <0.1
HSV-2lgG is 3.0
chlamyden is negtiv
HIV Negativ

first question is
my question is whats range HSV-2lgM of usual person? less than 3 in HSV-2lgG?
what will be kid have HSV-2lgM level ? is it 0Ru/ml?

second question is
I had girl friend 2 years ago and she had few partners before me.and left her for personel reasons and not had sex with anyone after her for 2years and then
I got married now and my wife never had partners before me.
so my HSV-2lgM is 3.0 .is it because of my x-girl friend?


Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 24 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
The range for HSV/ HIV and their interpretation varies across laboratories. In the lab where you got it done, <1, is normal for IGM, and <20 for IGG.
Before answering you questions you need to understand a few concepts. IGM antibody refers to an recent infection. If you have been infected recently then it will be go up, and subsequently come down within a month. Yours is 0.1, so it is negative. It doesn't matter what is your value till it is negative.
IGG indicates a chronic infection, and labels the person as a potential carrier. HSV is an infection that occurs in a lot of cases, however only very few manifest the disease. It is said 33 % of indians have herpes virus in their blood, but they don't manifest the infection. Yours in 3.0, negative, so we can't further speculate. The range is fixed after a lot of research and whether it is towards the upper normal range or lower normal range, it does not matter. What matters is it is negative.
The range that you are asking for varies across labs. So the normal range which is fixed by the lab is the reference. Regarding kids, even kids can be infected with herpes, for example HSV-1 manifesting a subclinical disease, so even in them the range can vary.
Regarding your second question, you do not have herpes. So you can't attribute that to your ex girlfriend.
Please do not worry about herpes, you don't have it, and if you continue to be in a monogamous relationship. you have nothing to worry about.

Patient replied :

Dear Dr.Deepu,

Explanation is really great
I was in doubt about online consultation before see your answer but it really worth for money
I am working in Germany as software programmer and I did this lab herpe test in Germany few days ago
And I was in curiosity to know level of HSV2 -IgG/M in general
Sometimes I felt that I depressed of my ex relationships as I follow orthodox traditions,so sex is after marriage but i had before marriage with someone .it leads me to these kind of general issues of questions.
I don't anyother partner ,only
but when test or someother issues,this relationship questions first come in to my mind.
i was worried whether am i in upper level or near to normal level? ....

I am glad i have been able to help you.
You are always welcome with your queries.
Your levels are absolutely normal, and you have nothing to worry about.
You can go ahead and enjoy your married life.
Wish you all the best!

Patient replied :

really thanks for quick and clear replies.
Yes < 20 RU/ ml is taken standard in European lab.
sorry for more questions. i hope that i won't ask anymore after this.
I think my straight doubt is negative should mean zero why the titre shows 3 RU/ml instead of as zero. will people/virgin have zero RU/ml?

I understand your doubts.
The thing is herpes can be contracted ( especially HSV-1 ) even without sex/kissing.
As i told you, 33 % of adults have herpes virus in their serum in india, but they will never manifest the disease due to good immunity.
Only when through unprotected intercourse, you're exposed to higher virus load, the virus starts multiplying rapidly and the infection is manifested.
So this 3.0 indicates nothing really. Also some antibodies cross react herpes antigens and hence the values can be more than 0. The same holds true for virgins. There is no guarantee they will have 0 IU.mL.

Patient replied :

Dear Dr.Deepu,
Thanks for replying
really your answer is helpful
I had unprotected sex with xgirlfriend for 2 years.
then after break up with her and no partner for a year
then married a year ago
will I get possiblity in future?
will this 3.0 RU/ml effect my wife?

No the level of 3.0 indicates no previous infection and completely insignificant values.
It won't affect your wife in any way.
You can have unprotected sex with her if you wish to do so, when planning for a baby. She has no chances of getting any infection.

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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