Frequent testing for sexually transmitted diseases in porn stars

Resolved question:

Hi doctor, I just wanted to know how regularly one should get himself tested for any sexually transmitted disease.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thanks or the question. In context to your question I would tell you that there is not any particular time constraint of getting tested. However, it is advisable that if you indulge in any kind of sexual intercourse whether it is vaginal, oral or anal then you might get yourself tested for sexually transmitted disease. However, the test becomes all the more important if you have unprotected sex with any stranger like sex worker or an escort for that matter. In case you are having regular sex with your wife who is loyal to you then there is very little risk of you gett9ng affected by a sexually transmitted disease. Also, it is advisable to you that whenever you have sex whether with your wife or anyone else, you should always use protection. Recent studies have revealed that using protection like condoms during sexual intercourse have stopped many sexually transmitted infections to spread through. Protection is very important for the sake of prevention from sexually transmitted diseases. In case you forget to use protection then you should definitely get yourself tested. The testing processes are many. You can get yourself tested by giving away your urine samples for the test. Also, blood test is used to determine whether a person is suffering from sexually transmitted disease or not. Sexually transmitted diseases are of various types and can be very dangerous. Most of them are incurable like HIV, genital herpes where one develops lumps on his or her genitals. Hence, use of protection is mandatory and getting yourself tested whenever you have strange sex is compulsory. I hope you are clear with the idea of getting yourself tested. Take care of yourself. Good bye.

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