Gallbladder problems

Resolved question:
For about the last week or so I have been having sudden, severe, stabbing like pains in my lower right side, Almost just below my ribcage. I have also experienced severe bouts of nausea when certain meats go in my mouth. If I swallow it, its almost all I can do to keep them down and finish the rest of my meal. Any suggestions of what this may be?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Deepu Sebin Sebastian replied 4 Days.

Welcome to Online Doctor at

Considering your pain just below your rib cage in right side + nausea + Aversion to meat (Fat)

I am thinking of the following possibilities.

1. Cholecystitis – Infection and inflammation of the gallbladder.

2.Peptic Ulcer – An ulcer in stomach or duodenum can typically cause this symptoms.

You can try taking antacids or OTCs anti ulcer drugs. Avoid spicy foods, skipping meals.

3.Hepatitis or something to do with Liver

4.Non significant causes – Like pain arising from the muscle or bone, which will resolve by itslef.

I would like to know few more details. How old are you ? Your sex?
Do you have any complaints of black tarry colored stools ? Do you have any fever ?

Were you recently exposed to any contaminated water ?

Please post a new question from home page with the above details.

Thank you

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