Granuloma Pyogenicum.

Resolved question:
I have a red, raised growth on my shoulder. I have an appointment in two weeks, but am concerned it could be something serious. It is smaller than a pencil eraser and I have had for some time. It is close to weary bra strap sits. I can send a picture.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query.

It seems to be a condition called as granuloma pyogenicum. It is a harmless vascular tumour. It's benign. It grows on areas of constant friction. That explains the location in your case.

It needs to be excised out by your doctor , it has a tendency to bleed with constant friction.

It can also grow in size and can be quite bothersome due to the tendency to bleed.

There is nothing to worry about.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

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Patient replied :

I am worried about it being a modular melanoma. Based on the picture I sent, do you think I can rule this out?

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 3 Days.


Thanks for your reply.

It looks like granuloma pyogenicum. However, nodular melanoma can be a possibility. It's best to get it excised and send it for a microscopic examination. That will help rule out a nodular melanoma.


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