Headache, anxiety, neck pulsing while taking RABAVERT VACCINE.

Resolved question:
I am worried and trying to decide if I need to go to a doctor's office or not.

Last night I had a headache in one spot on the left side of my forehead, above my temples and along my hairline. The spot was probably about quarter-sized, and the pain was moderate but dull. For a short period of time if I touched it I could feel a heartbeat (but not the whole time). I also felt some momentary dull pains above/behind my left ear, and the left side of the back of my head, near the nape of my neck. The pain was worsened by movement. I also thought maybe it hurt more whenever I was thinking hard, but I'm sure that was my imagination.
I told myself it was probably because I am tense (I tend to be very anxious), or because I am in the middle of the Rabavert vaccine series and headaches are a known side effect, and went to sleep.

This morning I woke up and the headache was gone, but now the spot is sensitive to touch, like a bruise. There is no visible bruising or swelling. However, now I have some pain/soreness in the sides of my neck and inside my left ear. I could actually see my neck pulsing with my heartbeat too--that was a little strange, but I thought maybe that could still be caused by my anxiety making my heart rate go up (and I get panic attacks). There is also some pressure on the left side back of my head. I've been feeling a little dizzy too (but not like vertigo or the room spinning. It's a sensation I don't really know how to describe). My arms feel a little tired/sore but otherwise I feel awake.

As for recent medical history...I had my wisdom teeth removed about a month ago and all went well. About two weeks ago, I had a minor infection in my left wisdom tooth socket so I was prescribed a week of amoxicillin; however I missed two doses (on different days) so I finished a day late. More recently than that, about one week ago I got bitten by a bat so I'm doing the a rabies vaccine series (Rabavert) and just had my second shot in the series yesterday (Oct. 2). After the first shot, I got really tired and had a minor headache and some nausea, which I attributed to the vaccine since those are known side effects.
Also I'm pretty certain I have high blood pressure; my last two readings were 139/63 and 138/73

So...given the above, is there any reason I should visit a doctor's office? I've had to go so much lately that I thought it'd be best to ask before going.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
If the headache was one isolated episode and it stopped by itself, then there is no need for any further investigation. Rabavert is mostly safe, but some people experience more symptoms than others. As you rightly said, the side effects are headache, nausea, dizziness, giddiness, vomiting, fatigue, nausea. So since you had the second shot yesterday, it could have happened as a side effect of the vaccine.
Now the pulsations in the neck can only happen scientifically if there is a rise in the blood pressure, or due to heart diseases. But you're too young for that, and with a history of panic attacks it does seem to be due to anxiety. Kindly relax and this won't happen again.
I will advise you to just rest for a day, since the vaccine was taken just yesterday and the adverse effects are likely to persist for a day or two. Not everyone has to go through this side effects, but some people are prone to develop the side effects more. So with adequate rest it should be fine. Meanwhile you can take Advil or Ibuprofen to relieve your pain, prophylactically.
In case the headache persists, or there is any new development let me know and i will guide you further,

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Patient replied :

Hello again,
It's been a few days and the headache has gone away for the most part. I have had some soreness in my neck and the back of my head still has random squeezing pains but I think it's probably fine.
Actually I have another question which is related specifically to the Rabavert vaccine; is it okay to ask that here? I started the vaccine series one week ago, and have had three out of the four shots plus the immunoglobulin for rabies exposure. Today I noticed two small scabs about 3mm apart which look like a bite of some kind on my knee. I have no idea how it got there--I haven't felt a bite, nor have I seen any bats in my room. Supposing it really is a bat bite...would I need to get immunoglobulin again? I just had the imminoglobulin a week ago today and also just had my 3rd Rabavert shot in the series today.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Thank you for the follow up.
I saw the picture you sent and it definitely does not look like a bat bite. It can be a mosquito bite where due to itching the spots have arisen.
Moreover even if it is a bat bite, you definitely do not need any further immunoglobulins, because the ones you already got will be protective enough.
Let me know if you have any other queries,

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