Health Benefits of Red Wine.

Resolved question:
A friend of mine says its healthy to drink a glass of red wine everyday. Is it true?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Deepu Sebin Sebastian replied 4 Days.

Yes it is true Red wine has been proven to have health benefits if taken in moderate quantities. Red wine has been used to medically treat patents since the ancient Greek period. Ancient Greeks used wine as a part of their daily diet and also a medium to mix other drugs .They also used wine to disinfect wounds. Recent research has shown that a glass of red wine before bed promotes good sleep. Red wine can also increase heart and brain health, while preventing various cancers. Red wine contains antioxidants which prevent cancer. So drinking Red wine in moderate amounts can help reduce the risk of cancer by up to 50%. It also helps in treating cold, inflammation and even moderates cholesterol. But as in all medicine moderation is the key. If you start chugging down a bottle of red wine everyday then it is going to affect your health and may be even harm your kidney.

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