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Blighted ovum and Cytotec

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Ok so I was diagnosed with a blithed ovum at 9 weeks and 2 days .. I was prescribed cytotec and I took first dose 4 pills vaginally and 24 hours later took another 4 pills orally . Other than cramping and just very light bleeding I did not experience the heavy bleeding I was told I would .. I
Am a little worried that it didn't work ? What should I do ? I commute 1 hr to work every day and I took Thursday and Friday off in order to take these pills , is there something else I can do ? I am due back to work Monday morning please help !

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 28 Doctors Online

Thanks for writing to with your health concern.

After the dose of Cytotec pills, generally heavy bleeding ( more than normal period anyway ) with clots and cramping is to be expected.

Often in a blighted ovum, these pills might not work.
As you have had very light bleeding, it is possible that the expulsion of the products has not occurred totally.

The only way to know for sure is to have an ultrasound scan.

Please visit your gynecologist and have a repeat scan.

If the tissue is still retained inside, you would need to undergo surgical removal.
All the best.
Please feel free to discuss further.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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