I am having red dots on the forehead of my penis.

Resolved question:

Hello Doctor,

I am 37 years old and am having a number of red dots on the forehead of my penis. They are not that much itchy except when I have sexual intercourse. I have tried all means at home starting from washing with warm water, using disinfectant and staying away from sex for a couple of days. Nothing is working and am worried about future consequences of retention of urine and other complications. Please advise me.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question. Red dots on penis may be due to many reasons which include fungal infection and sexually transmitted disease. As you have not mentioned about the period since you are noticing the red dots on your penis, if it is for a short time, I would suggest you the following. Take your baths with soaps that are unscented and with a few drops of tea tree oil in warm water. Drink pure Cranberry juice diluted with water and unsweetened. Intake of caffeine, raw garlic, mushrooms and milk are also advisable. Try these for a couple of days and if the red dots still persists, go to the doctor, preferably a sexologist to stay clear of any doubts.

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