Itchy, swollen anus wuth bleeding. ANAL CANCER?

Resolved question:

I am worried about my partner. He has been suffering from an itchy, swollen anus for around 2 years now. He says it began with an itch at the opening to his rectum and is now swollen (which goes through phases of swelling and going down). He says the swelling feels very hard at the moment, like a hard lump. There is also discharge.

Over time, this affected the surrounding outer area and caused cracked skin, bleeding and swelling which was spreading. This was causing him to not sleep at night as it felt worse at night. He has been going through a divorce these past 2 years and has been highly stressed, which only aggrevated the problems he has been experiencing. Whenever his stress levels increased, he noticed the symptoms became more severe.

He went to the doctor a few months ago and she perscribed him pile cream and tablets which made no difference.

He then went back to the doctors (a different doctor) last week who gave him sterroid cream for external use which has cleared up the cracked outer skin, and she asked him to return in 2 weeks. Whilst the cream has cleared up the cracked skin and bleeding on the exterior, he is still left with swelling at the opening of his rectum, which he thinks is possibly worse now. He has not applied the cream internally.

I am just wondering if you have any early ideas as to what this may be? I have looked this up and scared myself by viewing anal cancer on Google however I am not sure as he tells me the swollen lump increases and decreases and did not begin as a lump.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: General Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Hari Charan Perigela replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
As per the description, it looks like Fissure in ano, a crack in the anus along with Sentinel pile.
It causes severe pain in some with associated bleeding.
The lump that is being palpated could be Sentinel pile.It occurs due to Fissure in ano, but not true haemorrhoid.
Another possibility is Thrombosed pile which is again very painful.
These conditions will not be relieved by medical treatment.
Please consult your Surgeon, get examined clinically and proceed with surgery. Cancer will also be excluded by clinical examination.
If the doctor thinks it as Cancer,he will remove it and send it for histopathological examination ( Biopsy ).
It is a simple procedure.
Please ask him to take high fiber diet, drink plenty of liquids, eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
He should be relaxed.
If he is Non vegetarian, ask him to stop taking them.
Nothing to worry.
It will be cured.
Hope I answered your query. If you have any questions, I will clarify further.
Wish him good health.

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Patient replied :

Thank you for your response.
Will this be the case even though there is discharge coming from the swelling?
Many thanks,

Expert:  Dr. Hari Charan Perigela replied 3 Days.


Actually, he has to be examined clinically. Whether the discharge is from the swelling or from the Anal canal.
Some amount of mucus like discharge is common from the Anal canal.

So, if you come back after consultation with your Surgeon, I will clarify further.

Wish him good health.

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