Negative pregnancy blood test with positive HPT. Reason?

Resolved question:
11 days late period. 11 positive hpt with various brands since Friday last. This Friday I went t o get blood test and it was negative. Is it likely the hpts are false or blood test? Past ovarian cyst... is it possible for that to cause a false positive hpt? What is going on? Need a direction to go. Thanks

PS no fertility drugs. Pregnancy symptoms : fatigue, shortness of breath, acid reflux, oil production in over drive.hysterical pregnancy is out bc totally surprised.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at
We would request you to provide few more details
1) When was you last menustration period
2) Do you have regular period.
3) Can you please upload the blood pregnancy test.
4) Have you ever been pregnant before.
A past ovarian cyst cannot cause false positive hpts.
Since you have got multiple positive hpts it is likely that the blood test is erroneous. Hence please send me a copy and then I will get back to you.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Take care.

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Patient replied :

6 may. That's the only irregular period I've had. I don't have access to the blood test. Two pregnancies in 2012. 1st miscarriage at 6 weeks. 2nd was full term. if I have a current ovarian cyst can that cause positives? If I'm not pregnant, what would you suggest as a course of action to figure out what's going on? My military Healthcare requires some persistence to get things fixed.

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 3 Days.

Even a current ovarian cyst would not cause positives.
And a blood test is infinitely more reliable than HPTs, but you cannot have 11 false positives, with different brands !
I really need to look at the blood test, and if you cannot get that, you need an ultrasound scan to figure out what is going on.
IT is the best, and most objective way, of diagnosing whether a pregnancy is there or not.

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