Pain in chest on deep breath, standing, ACID REFLUX.

Resolved question:
I am having pain on the right side of my chest when i take a deep breath. ( only when standing up straight). I have a lot of acid reflux, i am obese, and i slept on couch 2 nights ago.

Other symptoms: very sleepy all the time.

Medications: risperdal, trileptal, luvox, lipitor.

What could be wrong? Should I bother my dr.?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Cardiologist

Expert:  Dr. E. Satish Kumar replied 4 Days.

Dear ,
Thank you for your query at
I have gone through case history , I feel the symptoms which started 2 days may have precipitated by sleeping on the couch suggest the pain may be of muscular origin and was increasing with deep inspiration and you felt better with ibuprofen. Just check whether you have any tenderness at the site of pain.
Your other symptom was excessive sleeping which may be probably due to drugs you have been taking like risperdal and trileptal .
I would suggest you have to check your thyroid function test as thyroid deficiency can also cause obesity and increasing sleep .
Try to reduce your weight to maintain ideal BMI and healthy lifestyle.
In case your symptoms do not reduce , I suggest you to meet your local physician

Dr Satish

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