Pain in the tail bone on standing.

Resolved question:

hi i have been getting tailbone pain for 2 weeks. it started when i stood up from a wooden chair and i felt the pain. Now the pain is usually when i wake up in the morning. im 15 male and im afraid since im so young, and if i get older then the problem will get even worse. please help, i dont want my parents paying another hundred for seeing a doctor. thank you.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


It seems like you are suffering from Coccydynia.

Coccydynia is the inflammation of the sheath around the coccyx (Tailbone).It occurs due to fall on you back or any form of trauma. It also occurs due prolonged sitting or sleeping on a hard surface. The pain lasts as long as the inflammation around the coccyx doesn't heal.

Here are my recommendations-

1) Use Tab Tylenol 500 mg twice day to reduce the inflammation.

2) Avoid sitting on hard surface for prolonged periods. Make sure that you sit with back to the chair and foot fully on the ground.

3) Use ice packs around the area to reduce the inflammation and the pain.

4) If the pain doesn't improve, try physiotherapy or massages.

5) Get plenty of sunlight, especially in the morning to improve the level of Vit D in the body.

6) I also recommend a healthy diet with good portions of Milk and fruits like Banana which is rich in phosphorous and calcium.

If the pain doesn't improve for more than a month, consult an orthopedic who might recommend a MRI to see for any problems in spinal cord. You might also need a Complete blood count to check for any signs of infection.

Thank you.

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