Persistent headache, sneezing with drainage. Cause.

Resolved question:
My symptoms started with headache on top of my head. After that the headache kept moving from top to sides and behind my eyes occasionally. My primary doctor checked my vitals and I had a little fever, my ears were inflamed with pus in my throat. He put me on Cipro 500 mg twice a day and Mucinex-D. Its day 4th today, my throat is better but my headache is persistent (On top mostly, but it moves). My antibiotics regimen is for 2 weeks. I just need a second opinion. Should I be patient with this or look for another options. Is it normal to have sinus headache even on 4th day? I have no drainage or congestion in nose. I am not coughing. I see no signs of usual cold and thats why I am worried. I do sometimes wake up sneezing and clear drainage. Once an ENT told me I have deviated septum. I dont know if its related. But I have never had this type of persistant headache. 

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query to
If use of cocaine is the only significant aspect of your medical history, it probably is responsable for your headache, numbness along the left arm and chest discomfort.
Cocaine use can widespread effects, and also the side effects will depend on the specific type of method you take it..inhalation versus intravenous.
Chest discomfort (pain) is a well documented side effect of cocaine abuse and occurs because cocaine causes all your blood vessels to constrict, restricting blood flow to criticial portions of your body..
To obtain relief from these symptoms, you would have to stop the cocaine use. You may experience short term withdrawal symptoms but those will be temporary compared to the severe damage cocaine can produce long term.
Hope this helps, feel free to discuss further

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