Pneumonia with high fever.

Resolved question:
Hi, how are you? My brother was diagnosed with pneumonia, I'd say bacterial one since they gave him antibiotics which happened not to work so they gave him another antibiotic. This has been going on for 4 weeks. Last night he got all sweaty amd finally this morning he was feeling fine without the fever throughout the whole day untill the evening where the fever came back. Again after he fell asleep he woke up all sweaty and felt better. Also last 3 days he had reallly bad back problem. Seems that it's been better today and yesterday. He lives in Europe though. I would be greatly thankful if you could helo me with some answers. Thankd you so much.


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Pulmonologist

Expert:  Dr. Jacob George Pulinilkunnathil replied 4 Days.

Dear Martin,
Hi and regards from our team.
I've gone through you case and understand your concern. I will require more information to give you a better opinion.
Please would you be able to provide me with details of the lab investigations or a chest x ray?
Can you tell me what medicines he was on, the dose and duration of the same?
If I get the two answers, I can come to a diagnosis of what he is ailing from, and why the first therapy was ineffective.
Please reply so that we may help you better.
Dr. Jacob George P

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