Pressure in head, TENSION HEADACHES with normal CT. Treatment.

Resolved question:
I have been having pressure in my head for the past 3 months. I have seen a doctor and got diagnosed with sinusitis and treated with antibiotics and sudafed. It helped temporarely and then came back a week and a half later after having a few drinks. I tried sudafed again and it was no help. I just recently went to the ER and they did a CT and found nothing abnormal. They said I was dealing with tension headaches. The pressure I feel does not always hurt but it is very distracting. It sometimes gives a very quick sharp pain in the top of my head and back of my right ear. The past few days it feels as is my right eye is heavy and there is more pressure there. I am not sure what to do. This is making me feel very abnormal and interfering with my work and social life. It has cause slight depression

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at

I can understand your concern.

This is a genital wart. It spreads by sexual transmission .

I would recommend that you get it burnt out from your doctor. Since its quite big in size, application of Aldara cream may not work.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

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