problem with rapid heartbeat at night

Resolved question:

Dear doctor,

I am really frustrated of my situation now-a-days. I can’t sleep well or not even get to sleep at night due to my problem. I wake up amidst sleep due to rapid heartbeats. This occurs mostly within 15 minutes of sleep. Mostly I wake up about 3-4 times a night. I have done tests for kidney and thyroid, which were all normal. I feel going to toilet at times and feel hot and sometimes sweat very much. I thought this is due to anxiety. If so, why didn’t it happen during daytime? I have been taking Bedranol 80mg, for past few days. It also didn’t help me out. Is there any problem with my heart? Thanks for any help.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Fuller replied 4 Days.


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Sorry to hear about your health issue, we will try to help you in the best possible way.

I understand that your main concern is the palpitations you are experiencing in the night.The reasons behind this can be cardiac or non-cardiac. (Related to Heart and un related to heart ).Your Doctor has aptly ruled out thyroid and kidney problems, as both can cause palpitations. Other non cardiac caused include anxiety disorders, REM sleep disorders (since you are having palpitations exclusively in sleep )

I think you would need a detailed electrophysiological analysis (study of the heart if the palpitation). You may need a holter monitoring of your heart. This is essentially recording the ECG for 24 hours a day. Since your problems happens mainly in nights and often unpredictable a 24 hours ECG will give the best results. This is simple test and can be carried out easily. This will help in identifying any rhythm abnormality of heart.

You should avoid napping during day time, taking excessive caffeine (especially before sleep), and smoking – all of this can lead on to sleep disturbance a palpitations.

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