Resolved question:
hi, i've been diagnosed with a sever and chronic anal fissure.
I'm taking proctogyvenol cream and proctogyvenol suppositories, along with daflon pills. Nothing is working.

At the same time, I seem unable to retain water that I drink. I immediately urinate after drinking water (almost 5-15 min later), I'm not drinking a lot of coffee/alcohol or consuming anything else that causes dehydration (at least not any more than I always have all my life).

I'm not sure what can be done to avoid surgery and heal my fissure, It comes and goes over the years but this time it's not going away. It's been a week i'm on medication. I am also sitting in hot water tubs...

Any remedies, please!

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: General Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Hari Charan Perigela replied 4 Days.

Thank you for posting your query at
Diet is more important in management of Fissure in ano.
You should take plenty of liquids, high fiber diet, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Your stool should be soft.
The best local Ointment in my experience is Diltiazem for Anal application twice daily.
Water that you drink will take time to come out from urethra. It can't be 5 to 15mts. But,you have to drink 4-5 litres of water daily.
Laxative containing polyethylene glycol has to be taken at bedtime as stool softener.
Nothing to worry.
It will be relieved.
Hope I answered your query,
If you have any questions, I will clarify further.
Wish you good health.

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