red bumps on my penis

Resolved question:

I have small red bumps on my penis, but me and my girlfriend are clean she has just gotten checked and I havenet had sex with anyone. Should I be worried that I may have something?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


Small red bumps on penis without any other symptoms can be Fordyce spots. Fordyce spots are nothing but elevated sebaceous glands which are seen on penis, scrotum, labia in females, and in mouth especially on lip borders and inside cheek. Except cosmetic issues, there is nothing to worry about these spots as they are benign (harmless). No specific treatment is required.

If there are any associated symptoms like itching, pain, bumps filled with fluid and rupturing, foul smell etc., other causes like irritant dermatitis or infections like herpes, molluscum contagiosum must be considered. Balanitis (inflammation of glans penis ) can occur due to lack of hygiene.

Although infections are unlikely in your case, given your monogamous relation and healthy partner, I would suggest you to have yourself checked with a Dermatologist to rule out any other causes for your own peace of mind. Maintain a clean hygiene of penis and scrotal areas and avoid any irritants.

Hope this helps. Thank you.

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