Sharp pain in pelvic area and cannot move when I have pain.

Resolved question:

Hi. Sorry to bother you, but I have a sharp pain in the higher front right of my pelvic area. Around where the leg joins onto the pelvis but higher. (Not my privates though) It is like someone stabbing me and it comes and goes in small segments of time. but when it does happen I cannot move due to the pain

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


It seems to be a case of trochanteric bursitis.

Trochanteric bursa is a empty fluid filled space at the top end of the femur near the pelvis. It is normally filled with fluid and helps reduce the friction between the femur and pelvis.

Sometimes, either due to excessive stress to the femur (more common)r or due to a bacteria(less common) this space becomes inflamed and causes trochanteric bursitis. It causes intermittent paroxysmal pain that worsens on walking and decreases the leg movement.

I would recommend the following things-

1) Start a dose of NSAID to reduce inflammation .Tab. Ibuprofen once day with Tab omeprazole 500mg should be taken for 15 days to reduce inflammation.

2) Stay away from any form of sports or activity that might increase the stress and increase the friction causing flaring up of the bursitis.

3) During acute attacks Ice packs helps in relieving the pain associated with the bursitis.

4) Take Tab. Calcium for a month to improve the strength and integrity of the bones.

In case the symptoms dot reduce within 15 days, consult a orhopedician for Intra bursa corticosteroid injection.

Thank you.

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